




About the Department


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Master’s and Doctoral degree programme of the Department of Fruit Science (erstwhile Department of Fruits and Orchard Management) was initiated in 1996 with the establishment of the Faculty of Horticulture in the University to strengthen the academic programme including research works and extension activities in Horticulture as a whole and Fruit Science in particular. Students from West Bengal, other states of India and foreign country are being admitted for Master’s and Doctoral degree programme of the Department of Fruit Science. Large pool of small and marginal farmers has taken fruit farming as their viable livelihood security. The Department is also functioning as an effective linkage for the fruit growers, research and extension workers of various stakeholders, Govt., Semi-Govt. and Non-Govt. Organizations.


Vision & Mission



  • Basic and strategic research to develop cost effective and viable technologies for production of tropical and subtropical fruits.
  • Collection, conservation and evaluation of genetic diversity of tropical and subtropical fruit crops.
  • Improvement of production technologies of tropical and subtropical fruit crops.
  • Advancement in propagation techniques and mass production of quality planting materials.
  • Precision farming and protected cultivation.


    • Extensive/Intensive surveys/collection of elite germplasm, identification and establishment of field Gene Bank for major/underutilized fruit crops.
    • Morphological and molecular characterization of indigenous and conserved germplasm of mango, guava, litchi, jackfruit, banana to best utilize them in breeding programme and to develop trait specific improved cultivar.
    • Identifying off-season and double or triple cropping mango varieties for extending the mango availability period.
    • Development of genetic linkage maps for fruit colour, tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
    • Rejuvenation of mango orchards in relation to canopy architecture management, bearing behaviour, use of intercrops and mulching for improving productivity.
    • Standardization of high density plantation in mango (cv. Amrapalli), litchi and guava on the basis of light infiltration, photosynthetic efficiency, stomatal behavior and harnessing solar energy etc. by modifying tree canopy architecture.
    • Development of techniques for balanced and conjunctive use of different sources of nutrient supply including bio-fertilizers for evolving integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) modules in local/regional perspectives for all the tropical and sub-tropical fruit crops.
    • Technological development for overcoming irregular bearing in mango and litchi.
    • Optimization of irrigation water requirement with micro-irrigation including fertigation in major fruit crops.
    • Standardization of fruit bagging materials specification (thickness, colour, timing of application) to obtain quality fruit with reducing chemical application for mango, litchi, banana and guava.
    • Improving branch bending technique in guava to regulate market oriented harvesting time.
    • Developing canopy management for better solar radiation, harvesting for high yield and quality fruits.
    • Collection, conservation and evaluation of superior germplasms of mango, jackfruit, aonla, bael and pomegranate suitable for the region.
    • Development of organic production protocol of major fruit crop.
    • Collection and evaluation of indigenous and exotic germplasm of underutilized fruits, viz. jamun, wax apple, karonda, khirnee, woodapple, tamarind, custard apple, loquat, mulberry, carambola, bael etc.
    • Development of climate resilient technology in major tropical and subtropical fruit crops.
    • Standardization and development of rootstock against biotic and abiotic stress management.
    • Introduction and popularization of exotic fruit crops under the existing climatic condition viz. dragon fruit, longan, rambutan tec.

Courses Offered in UG.



Sl.no Course No. Title Semester Credit Course Instructors
 1 Hort. 101 Fundamentals Horticulture 1st  1+2 Dr. K. Chakraborti , Dr. C. Karak, Dr. A. K. Pal & Dr. A. Bandyopadhyay
 2 Hort. 151  Tropical and Sub tropical Fruits 2nd     2+1  Dr. M. A. Hasan,  Dr. S. Kundu  &  Dr. F. K. Bauri
 3  Hort. 154  Plant Propagation and Nursery Management  1+1  Dr. S. Kundu & Dr. J. Majumder (Sarkar)
 4  Hort. 155  Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops  1+1 Dr. P. Datta &  Dr. J.K. Hore 
 5   Hort. 201  Temperate Fruit Crops  3rd  1+1  Dr. S. K .Sarkar & Dr. D Majhi
 6  Hort. 251  Dry Land Horticulture  4th  1+1  Dr. M. A. Hasan & Dr. P. Datta
 7   Hort. 254  Breeding of Fruit and Plantation Crops  2+1 Dr. S. K. Sarkar &  Dr. J.Hore
 8  Hort. 301  Orchard and Estate Management  5th  1+1  Dr. S. K. Sarkar  &  Dr. N. Chattopadhyay
 1  Hort. 107  Fundamental of Horticulture  1st  1+1  Dr. P. Datta,  Dr. U. Thapa, Dr. J. Majumder (Sarkar) & Dr. D. Ghosh (Big)
 2  Hort. 259  Production Technology of Fruits and Plantation Crops  4th  1+1 Dr. P. Datta,  Dr. D. Majhi,  Dr. A. Bandyopadhyay & Dr. A. Pariari

Courses Offered in PG.



Sl.no Course No. Title Semester Credit Course Instructors
 1  FSC -501* Tropical Fruit Production 1st  2+1  Dr. S. K. Sarkar,  Dr. M. A. Hasan &  Dr. S. Kundu
 2 FSC- 502*  Sub tropical and Temperate Fruit Production 2+1  Dr. S. Kundu, Dr. P. Datta, Dr. S. Debnath &  Dr. D Majhi
 3 FSC- 503*  Propagation and Nursery Management of Fruit Crops 2+1 Dr. M. A. Hasan, Dr.  S. Kundu ,  Dr. F. K. Bauri &  Dr. D. Majhi
 4  FSC -504* Breeding of Fruit Crops 2nd 2+1 Dr. S. K. Sarkar &  Dr. K. Chakraborti
 5 FSC- 505  Systematics of Fruit Crops 2+1 Dr. S.K. Sarkar, Dr. M.A. Hasan &  Dr. S. Kundu
 6 FSC -506  Canopy Management in Fruit crops 1+1 Dr. M.A. Hasan & Dr. D. Majhi
 7 FSC- 507 Nutrition of Fruit Crops 2+1 Dr. P.Datta, Dr. F. K. Bauri & Dr. D. Majhi
 8 FSC. 508 Temperate Fruit Production  1+1 Dr. S. Kundu
 9 FSC -509  Biotechnology of Fruit Crops 3rd     2+1  Dr. S. K. Sarkar &  Dr. P. Datta
 10  FSC -510 Organic Fruit Culture 2+1  Dr. P. Datta
 11 FSC- 511 Export Oriented Fruit Production 2+1  Dr. M.A. Hasan, Dr. S. Kundu & Dr. P. Datta
 12 FSC-512  Climate Change and Fruit Crops 1+0  Dr. S.K. Sarkar  & Dr. M. A. Hasan
 13 FSC 513 Minor Fruit Production 4th    2+1  Dr. M. A. Hasan,  Dr. F.K. Bauri  & Dr. D. Majhi
 14 FSC 591** Seminar 0+1  
 15 FSC 599** Research 0+30  

Minimum 20 credits are to be taken from the major courses (excluding Seminar & Research), * Compulsory courses for Master degree Programme

Courses Offered in Ph. D

Sl.no Course No. Title Semester Credit Course Instructors
 1 FSC. 601* Innovative Approaches in Fruit Breeding 1st 3+0 Dr. S. K. Sarkar & Dr. K. Chakraborti
 2 FSC. 602* Modern trends in fruit production 3+0 Dr. M. A. Hasan, Dr. S. Kundu, Dr. F.K. Bauri & Dr. D. Majhi
 3 FSC. 603 Recent Developments in growth regulation 3+0 Dr. M. A. Hasan, Dr. S. Kundu &   Dr. P.Datta
 4 FSC. 604 Advanced Laboratory Techniques 1+2 -
 5 FSC 605 Arid and Dry land fruit production      2nd 2+0  Dr. M.A. Hasan & Dr. P.Datta
 6 FSC 606  Biotic and Abiotic Stress Management in Fruit Crops 2+1  Dr. S.K. Sarkar, Dr. S.Kundu &  Dr. F.K.Bauri
 7 FSC 607 Biodiversity and Conservation of Fruit Crops 2+1  Dr. S. Debnath &  Dr. S.K. Sarkar
 8 FSC 608 Smart Fruit Production 2+0  Dr. M. A. Hasan, & Dr. P. Datta
 9 FSC 691 Seminar I 1+0  
 10 FSC 692 Seminar II   1+0  
11 FSC 999 Research   0+75  
Minimum 12 credits are to be taken from the major courses (excluding Seminar & Research),* Compulsory courses for Doctoral degree Programme

Intake Details

Year No. of M. Sc. students admitted No. of Ph. D the Students admitted
2012 09 06
2013 09 04
2014 11 06
2015 12 11
2016 14 03
2017 14 06
2018 15 08
2019 16 04
2020 11 06
2021 11 07
2022 08 06
2023 08 03

Infrastructure/ Facilities

  • Two well equipped class rooms
  • Three P. G. laboratories modern facilities
  • Soil Moisture Measurement System (TDR)
  • Portable Photosynthesis System
  • Plant Canopy Analyzer (concerned laptop is out of order)
  • UV  Spectrophotometer
  • Flame Photometer
  • pH meter
  • Leaf area meter