Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of SYBR green PCR master mix with ROX 1kit.....
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of.......
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of listed items
E-tender Notice regarding for lease out of the pond at DSF (D) Block farm ,BCKV.
E-tender Notice regarding for lease out of the pond at Balindi R. Complex , BCKV.
On behalf of the Central Tender Committee, B.C.K.V. In-Charge, Works department invites e-Tender for the work.......
The Principal Investigator project entitle "Use of Jute Agro Textile as prospective mulching.....Lateritic Zones of West Bengal" NTTM,GOI, College of Agriculture, Susunia,Chhatna, Bankura (Extended campus of BCKV) is invited Sealed Quotation......
The Principal Investigator project entitle "Use of Jute Agro Textile as prospective mulching.....Lateritic Zones of West Bengal" NTTM,GOI, College of Agriculture, Susunia,Chhatna, Bankura (Extended campus of BCKV) is invited Sealed Quotation......
The Principal Investigator project entitle "Use of Jute Agro Textile as prospective mulching.....Lateritic Zones of West Bengal" NTTM,GOI, College of Agriculture, Susunia,Chhatna, Bankura (Extended campus of BCKV) is invited Sealed Quotation......
E-tender Notice for collection of Mango fruits from the Mango Orchards of Mondouri Horticultural Farm......
E-tender Notice for collection of Litchi fruits from the Litchi Orchards of Mondouri Horticultural Farm......
E-tender Notice for collection of Coconuts from the Coconut Orchards of Horticultural Research Station........
Officer in Charge, AINP JAF and Organizing Secretary,36th Annual Workshop on AINP JAF PI, is inviting sealed price-quotation from the....
Quotations are invited from the bonafide and competent manufactures, exclusive/area distributors, authorized dealers, enlisted vendors, suppliers, etc. for purchase of Smart TV....
Quotations are invited from the bonafide and competent manufactures, exclusive/area distributors, authorized dealers, enlisted vendors, suppliers, etc. for purchase Projector and Battery.....
Sealed quotations are hereby invited for the item asper specifications given .....
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply........
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of Oligomers(HPLC purified) to the....
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply........
Officer in Charge, Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of Resistant Starch estimation kit from rice grains to the .......
Purchase of Sports item
Quotation for Hiring of D.G Set for uninterrupted electrical power supply in different premises.....
Officer in Charge, SSMP Unit is inviting price quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of......
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties for Lease out of Mango tress (Only fruits) at DSF (D)....
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties for Lease out of the pond DSF (D)....
Published Corrigendum Details Ref.NoDF/BCKV/221/24-25 Dated: 24.12.2024
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from the eligible bonafide .....
Prof. Prabir Kumar Bhattacharyya, Convenor ,Stage preparation, Decoration & Documentation Committee, 7th Regional Science & Technology Congress,2024-25 in inviting price-quotation from the compents and bonafide vendors....
Prof. Prabir Kumar Bhattacharyya, Convenor ,Stage preparation, Decoration & Documentation Committee, 7th Regional Science & Technology Congress,2024-25 in inviting price-quotation from the compents and bonafide vendors....
Prof. Prabir Kumar Bhattacharyya, Convenor ,Stage preparation, Decoration & Documentation Committee, 7th Regional Science & Technology Congress,2024-25 in inviting price-quotation from the compents and bonafide vendors....
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties to collected special insect affected small branches in tree.....
Sealed tender in printed form is here by invented by the In-charge, Works Department, as per particulars given below from bonafide and resourceful contractors enlisted with ....
Principle investigator of the adhoc-funded project entitle " Bio-efficacy and phytotoxicity evaluation of trifloxystrobin 10% +........
Published Corrigendum Details Ref.No WD/BCKV/NIT - 01 (e)/2024-25 Dated: 10.11.2024
Inviting Tender by the In-Charge, Works department, BCKV....
The listed material are require for laboratory and office purpose under Dept. of Agril. Chemicals.
The listed material are require for laboratory and office purpose under Dept. of Agril. Chemicals.
The listed material are require for laboratory and office purpose under Dept. of Agril. Chemicals.
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers/manufacturer having GST registration for the supply of the .......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers/manufacturer having GST registration for the supply of the .......
Sealed tenders are invited from the eligible suppliers/authorized distributors/manufactures for the supply of....
BCKV In-Charge, Works department invites e-tender notice....
Sealed tender in print form is here by invited by In-Charge Works department, as per particular given in notification from bonafied and resourceful contractors....
Sealed tender in print form is here by invited by In-Charge Works department, as per particular given in notification from bonafied and resourceful contractors....
Sealed quotation are hereby invited from the bonafide tenders for stock purchase for electrical materials for day to day maintenance works....
Tender notice for purchasing the listed item....
Purchase of Sports items
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties to cllect special insect affected small branches in tree (Mainly Shirsh tree) in main campus BCKV....
Published Corrigendum Details Ref.No :FACC/231/2024-25 Dated: 10.09.2024
Farmers’ Academy & Convention Centre (FACC), BCKV, Kalyani, Nadia invites sealed e-tender from the interested, resourceful, eligible and experienced agencies/ contractors/ vendors for round-the-year arrangements of Catering & Housekeeping Services at the FACC (Lake Hall), Kalyani, Nadia
Sealed quotatuin notice is invited by Principal Investigator ,Project code : 30782 and 30798 from the bonafide vendors/dealers having GST registration for the supply of two numbers of Air Conditioner with the......
Principal investigator, Adhoc-funded project on "Evaluation of newly evolve.......with check varieties'' (Code No. 30782) is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/ dealers/ manufacturer having GST.....
Dr.Saikat Gantait (Assistant Professor), Crop Research Unit , and PI, DAE-BRNS, GoI-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/ distributors/dealers....
Dr.Saikat Gantait (Assistant Professor), Crop Research Unit , and PI, DAE-BRNS, GoI-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/ distributors/dealers....
Dr.Jayoti Majumder (Assistant Professor), Dept.Floriculture Landscape Architecture, and PI, DAE-BRNS, GoI-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/distributors....
Dr.Jayoti Majumder (Assistant Professor), Dept.Floriculture Landscape Architecture, and PI, DAE-BRNS, GoI-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/distributors....
Re E-Tender Notice regarding leasing out of the Natural Ventilated Polyhouse under AICRP on Floriculture at Mondouri, BCKV for a period of one year from the date of issuance of the final work order
PI of an Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers having registration of GST for the supply of the .......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers/manufacturer having GST registration for the supply of the .......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit and PI, IAEA-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers/manufacturer having GST registration for the supply of the .......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit and PI, IAEA-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendors/dealers/manufacturer having GST registration for the supply of the .......
Sealed quotations are invited from bonafide parties for Annual Maintenance of Local Area Networking [LAN] and WLAN Nodes, as per details given below, covering all departments/units/sections of the University located at Mohanpur campus, like Administrative building, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Agril. Engineering.........
Published Corrigendum DetailsRef.No :RKVY/RRS(NAZ)/Tender-1/23-24 Dated: 07.03.2024
Sealed Quotations are hereby invited by the Principal Investigator Project Entitle "Utilization of Follow Land Using Mulch....A plot Study"RKVY, RRS(NAZ), BCKV, Gayespur, Nadia-741234 for the under mentioned work....
Re-E-Tender Notice regarding lease out of the ponds at Balindi R. Complex BCKV for a period.......
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya invites application and expression of interest (EOI) for prticipation in auction of banana orchard var.Gran Naine (approx...150 plants)
The quotation is hereby from bonafide suppliers for supply of Combined Harvesting of Paddy Seed in different farms of BCKV....
Seal quotations are invited from the reputed and experienced Agency/Retailers/Dealers for supplying the mentioned items for the .......
Rates are invited through E-Tender from the eligible vendors having good credential GST/IT clearence for supply of the.....
Rates are invited through E-Tender from the eligible vendors having good credential GST/IT clearence for supply of the.....
Re E-Tender Notice regarding leasing out of the Natural Ventilated Polyhouse under AICRP on Floriculture at Mondouri, BCKV for a period of one year from the date of issuance of the final work order
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties for Lease out of Mango trees( Only fruits) at .......
Farmers’ Academy & Convention Centre (FACC), BCKV, Kalyani, Nadia invites sealed e-tender from the interested, resourceful, eligible and experienced agencies/ contractors/ vendors for round-the-year arrangements of Catering & Housekeeping Services at the FACC (Lake Hall), Kalyani, Nadia
Notice for collection of Coconuts from the Coconuts Orchards of Horticultural Research Station under Faculty of Horticulture and Teaching Farm ......
E-Tender for supply,erection & commissioning of processing unit "setting up of facility centers of rice mill in krishi bazar for rice growing farmers of West Bengal"
Sealed quotation are here by invited from bonafide tenders for construction a masonry causeway of the pond bank adjacent to the Central Library under the BCKV,Mohanpur,Nadia
Sealed quotation are here by invited from bonafide tenders for..........
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers having registration of GST for the.......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers having registration of GST for the.......
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers having registration of GST for the.......
E-Tender Notice regarding leasing out of the Natural Ventilated Poly-houses under AICRP on Floriculture at Mondouri, BCKV for a period of one year from the date of issuance of final work order
E-Tender for supply erection & commissioning of processing unit of pulse mill.....
Sealed quotations are hereby invited from bonafide tenderers for fitting and fixing of 26 Nos, of clear glasses (Size2'x2') and 01 No.4'-10" x 2'glass inside the JNM Hall at Faculty of Agriculture under BCKV, Mohanpur, Nadia.
Sealed Tender is invited from bonafide parties for Disposal off Fallen up rooted,Dry-trees and Broken branches at Tea Garden & Farm area under Central Research Farm Gayeshpur, Nadia......
Spot Tender Notification
Corrigendum Notice with E-Tender
Principal Investigator of the ad-hoc project " Bio-efficacy evaluation of fungicide Boscalio 25.2% + ....Chilli"(Code No. 30754)" is inviting e-tender from....
Tender Notice for Cafeteria
Sealed quotations are invited from competent and bonafied manufacturers / supply agencies / dealer / distributors having registration of GST, for supply of six nos. Online UPS Battery 65Ah 12V.
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers.....
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers.....
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers.....
Officer in Charge,Crop Research Unit, and PI, Adhoc-funded project is inviting price-quotation from the competent and bonafide vendor/ dealers.....
Expression of Interest (EOI) for Leasing Out Natural Ventilated Poly-house under AICRP on Floriculture at Mondouri, BCKV.
The principal Investigator project entitle " Socio-economic upliftment of SC/ST community through back yard papaya cultivation using jute.........waste water" DST, (GOWB), RRS (NAZ), BCKV,Gayespur,Nadia is invited sealed quotation from...........
The principal Investigator project entitle " Socio-economic upliftment of SC/ST community through back yard papaya cultivation using jute.........waste water" DST, (GOWB), RRS (NAZ), BCKV,Gayespur,Nadia is invited sealed quotation from...........
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya invites application and expression of interest (EOI) for participation in auction of banana and dragon orchard from .....
Notice inviting E-Tender for Purchase of Water Purifier
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties for Selling out Jute Fibres at Teaching Farm,Mondouri, BCKV.
Sealed quotations are hereby invited from bonafide tenderers for connection of the air conditioners (AC) and allied work in the D.R, Sarkar Hall of the Faculty of Agriculture Building under B.C.K.V, Itlohanpur, Nadia
E-Tender Notice regarding lease out of the ponds at Balindi R.Complex, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya for a period of......
Re-Tender Keeping the tender already receivedin response of earlier tender no.DF/BCKV/45/24-25 dt.05.06.2024 ,Re-Tender is hereby invited from bonafide parties......
The tender in sealed cover is hereby invited from bonafide parties for lease out of Coconut trees (Only fruits)at RRS Kakdwip Farm, BCKV.....
Re-Tender Keeping the tender already receivedin response of earlier tender no.DF/BCKV/456/23-24 dt.07.02.2024 ,Re-Tender is hereby invited from bonafide parties......
Re-Tender Keeping the tender already receivedin response of earlier tender no.DF/BCKV/69/24-25 dt.28.06..2024 ,Re-Tender is hereby invited from bonafide parties......
Re-Tender Keeping the tender already receivedin response of earlier tender no.DF/BCKV/49/24-25 dt.05.06.2024 ,Re-Tender is hereby invited from bonafide parties......
Regional Research Station (Red & Laterite zone),BCKV,Jhargram invites to submit the sealed quotations at a competative price from the......
Tender Notice for purchasing Sugar(large size grain)
Sealed tenders are invited from the eligible supplier/authorized distributor/manufacturers for supplying of......
Rate quotations are invited in sealed envelope for the...
Rate quotations are invited in sealed envelope for the...
Quotations are being invited by Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya from the competent and bonafide manufactures/vendors/parties/distributors/dealers/agents having registration of GST....
Rates quotations are invited in sealed envelop for the mentioned items.....
Rates quotations are invited in sealed envelop for the mentioned items.....
Tender Notice for LED Display Board
E-Tender Notice for Publication of Atlas
Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed and experienced agencies for the work under the project entitled,"Studies on efficacy of.....Groundnut", the quotations shall be submitted....
Sealed quotations are invited from the bonafide & interested vendor for the best price to supply the mentioned items for....
Sealed quotations are invited (for Rate per unit) from the Bonafide Vendors/Parties/Supplies for supply of the sports items...
E-Tender Notice regarding lease out of the ponds at BSF Canning Farm,Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya for a period of......