Visiting Hours of Vice-Chancellor, BCKV
Observed 76th Republic Day
East Zone Inter University Cricket (Men) Championship :2024-25
It is to notify for all concerned that the "inter-Year Cricket Tournament" of this Viswavidyalaya in 2024-25 is scheduled to be organized on........
Rescheduling of buses on January 14 and 15, 2025
Suspension of classes and examinations on January 14 & 15, 2025
Zonal Elocution Contest shall be held on hybrid mode on 8th January, 2025 at Dr. RPCAU, Pusa
Re-schedule Inter-Year Football Tournament, 2024
Inter-Year football tournament,2024
Allotment of hostels to 1st year PG and Ph.D. students of session 2024-25
Walk in interview will be conducted for the mentioned vacant post of peon ....
Walk in interview will be conducted for the vacant post of field supervisors....
Walk in interview will be conducted for the mentioned post.......
Notification regarding opening of 1st year UG hostels.....
Notification Physical Mode Class
Government of West Bengal Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology organises West Bengal State Science & Technology Congress & 7th Regional Science & Technology Congress
Food and Lodging facilities of FACC, BCKV, Kalyani is closed.....
Subsequent to an appeal made by the students' body of the University in the meeting held with the University official on 23.09.2024, this is to notify all concerned that theory classes for Agriculture (Burdwan and Bankura) of the Viswavidyalaya, as applicable, shall be held in hybrid mode with effect from September 25, 2024...
Concernining recent activities of Jouth Mancha regarding University circular vide no. REG/I/RS-49, dated Sep 19, 2024.
Notice Regarding Hostel Accommodation
Notification regarding commencement of online classes of 1st year UG courses
Walk-in interview will be conducted for engagement of two Course Facilitators on purely Contractual basis for the programme.....
51st Foundation Day Celebration of BCKV
Notification regarding 51st Foundation Day of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya.
Playing of National Anthem in University Campus
Celebration of 78th Independence Day
Cultural Programme on the occasion of 78th Independence Day
Notification - CAS of Teachers
Interms of Universit Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students Regulations, 2023, the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor,BCKV has been pleased to constitute Student's Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) of .....
B.Sc.(Hons.)Ag.,B.Sc.Hort.,B.Tech.(Agril.Engg.) 5th Semester Ending Exam. of 2024
B.Sc.(Hons.)Ag.,B.Sc Hort.,B.Tech.(Agril.Engg.) 3rd Semester Ending Exam. of 2024
It is being notified for information of all concerned that in respect of hiring small vehicles for project purposes,the Principla Investigator/Scientists of the.....
With a heavy heart, we sincerely condole the sudden and sad demise of our former Vice-Chancellor, Shri Sajal Ghose on 1st July, 2024.
Advertisement for the post of Security Officer, BCKV
Notification in respect of holiday on 1st July, 2024
Modified Notification on MCC
In accordance with University Grants Commission (Redressal of Grievances of Students) Regulations, 2023 [Notification No. F.1-13/2022 (CPP-III) dated 11.04.2024], Dr.Sateyendra Chandra Sarkar....
In continuation to the earlier notification No DR/24/55 dated 12.06.24,it is being notified to all concerned that the shortlisted applicants........
The Mushroom Spawn Production and Cultivation Training Programme will be started from the third week of July, 2024....
As per Press note No.ECI/PN/120/2024 date 10.06.2024,issued by the election commission of India,by-election to.....
In terms of advertisement DR/24/1337(A) dated 13.03.2024 the shorlisted applicants as per ANNEXURE given .....
No.Admn/BCKV/H2-Pt.VII/2024/L-132 Date :11.06.2024
Advice for Students
No.REG/BCKV/RS-11 Date : 10.06.2024
Notice for closure on 20.05.2024
Corrigendum of Notification No. REG/3/L-35 Dated: 15.04.2024
Commencement of Class: 17th April 2024
In terms of decision taken in the meeting of the Transport Committee, BCKV,held on 19.04.2024,and as approved by the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, BCKV, this is to notify all concerned that the monthly fare for availing University bus service is being increased,as per revised fare slabs applicable for permanent employees,contractual/daily paid workers and Ph.D students....
Non-NET Fellowship to full time Ph.D Scholars under "Swami Vivekananda Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Scheme"
Stay Cool, Stay Health This Summer !
In terms of the proceedings of the meeting held on 18.04.2024 in the chamber of the Vice-Chancellor,BCKV regarding Summer Recess and considering the prevailing heat wave conditions,the summer Recess in this year will commence from ....
ln view of bringing administrative and academic reforms in the field of education through the use of information technology for delivery of efficient services to all stake holders, the UGC has decided to implement "National Academic Depository (NAD)" project across the country through single depository system, 'Digilocker'. As a pre-requisite of implementation of NAD project in BCKV every student should be registered in NAD Digilocker and Academic Bank of Credits (ABC).
CORRIGENDUMAs directed by Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor,BCKV,the Notification No.REG/3/L-414 dated 20.12.2023 is being partially modified,and accordingly, it is being notified as.....
The Mushroom Spawn Production and Cultivation Training Programme will be Started from the end of this month at the Department of Plant Pthology....
As per notifcation No.631(2)-AG-12019(99)/5/2024-EDU SEC dated 13/03/2024 read with Higher Education Dept,all students of this university are requested....
Applications are invited in prescribed format (attached herewith) from eligible candidates having B.Sc.(Ag.) Hons. Degree for Young Professionals......
Notice For Partial Cancellation of Two Advertisements
"XLVth Annual Athlatic Meet"
ICAR Accreditation of BCKV has been extended up to 26.06.2026
Notification of WBHS (New Enrolment)