Progress of the university
- The university has been successfully accredited by the National Accreditation Committee instituted by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Govt. of India.
- e-Pest Surveillance and Advisory Programme of the university has received many accolades in the form of National and International Geospatial Excellence Award for utilising geospatial technology in a unique way for operationalizing near-real time pest management by the farmers of West Bengal.
- The university has documented characterization ‘Bengal Aromatic Rice’ namely, Gobindabhog, Radhatilak, Lal Badshabhog, Harina Khuri and Radhunipagal for 62 traits following DUS Test guidelines of PPV&FRA. Status Papers for geographical indication (G.I.) and Proposals for AGMARK for ‘Bengal Aromatic Rice’ varieties have been submitted to Government of West Bengal and Government of India, respectively. The university has mentored number of Farmer /Farmers’ Organization for achieving Plant Genome Saviour Award from PPV&FRA, Government of India during last 5 years
- The Viswavidyalaya has emerged in the state as one of the largest producer of quality seeds and planting materials of horticultural crops and also supplied the breeder seeds to the states like- Maharastra, Odisha etc. The university has produced 5.7 MT Breeder, 35.5 MT Foundation, 206.9 MT Certified and about 171 MT truthfully labelled (TL) seed of rice, oil seeds and pulses as well as about 60 MT potato seed and 1 MT ute seed in 2016-17. The university has started to produce organic seed of high quality local rice varieties (Dudhersar & Banskathi) in Canning BSF.
- The university has established the “Model Centre for Floricultural Excellence” (MCFE) over an area of 10 ha to boost up commercial cultivation of ornamental plants in the state. The facilities include naturally ventilated hi-tech polyhouse with fogger, drip and sprinkler irrigation system, Master Fertigation Control Unit, Tissue culture laboratory, potting shed, grading–sorting-packaging unit and training hall and rich germplasm repository of various flower and ornamental plants.
The university has established a Regional Nuclear Agricultural Research Centre (RNARC) with technical and financial support from Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC) having advanced facilities like, Gamma Chamber (GC5000) and Blood irradiator etc. This centre has potential to provide leadership in the entire eastern India to fulfill the framed needs by the Planning Commission of India to usher the Evergreen Revolution.