Package of Practices
Package of Practices for different crops developed by the University
- Soaking Potato seed tubers with 1% urea and 1% sodium bi-carbonate and subsequently treating with Azotobacter and Phosphobacteria (bio-fertilizer) gives higher tuber yield and reduces the use of N and P fertilizers upto 25%.
- Efficient management of scarce water resources in potato through alternate furrow irrigation (ALFI) is recommended for after field demonstration. This method can reduce water use by 32% without noticeable decrease in the yield.
- Best practice for effective control of potato pest complex (soil born as well as sucking pests) - Application of phorate 10 G @ 1.5 a.i./ha at planting + foliar spray with chloropyriphos 20EC @ 0.5 kg a.i. /ha at 45 DAP + foliar sprays with cartap hydrochloride 50 sp @ 1.0 kg a.i./ha at 60 DAP + foliar sprays with imidaclorpid 17.8 SL @ 0.04 kg a.i./ha at 75 DAP.
- Best practice for controlling late blight - Either spraying twice with ridomil MZ-72 (8% metalaxyl + 64% mancozeb) @ 2.5 g/lit at 7-10 days interval or spraying twice with Antracol (70% propincb) @ 2.5 g/lit at 7-10 days interval is very much effective.