AICRP on Fruits
Year of start/establishment of the Project: 2000
Staff Strength (Scientific/Technical or Supporting)
Designation of sanctioned post | No. of post | Present Position as on 30 Sept., 2017. | Name of personal holding the post | Date of joining | Status |
A. Scientific: | |||||
Horticulturist | 2 | 2 | Dr. F. K. Bauri | 07.09.12 | Continuing |
Dr. K. Chakraborti | 01.11.15 | Continuing | |||
Jr.Horticulturist | 2 | 2 | Dr. Sanjit Debnath | 20.02.08 | Continuing |
Dr. Debalina Majhi | 02.11.15 | Continuing | |||
Jr. Pl. Pathologist | 2 | 2 | Ankita Roy | 22.10.14 | Continuing |
Dr. D.K. Misra | 19.12.97 | Continuing | |||
Jr. Entomologist | 1 | 1 | Dr. Kusal Roy | 01.08.17 | Continuing |
B. Technical: | |||||
Technical Assistant | 2 | 2 | Mrs. Sadhana Das | 11.04.02 | Continuing |
T. K. Biswas | 24.02.95 | Continuing | |||
Field Assistant | 5 | 1 | Ratan Kr. Das | 01.04.02 | Continuing |
Mali | 5 | 3 | Tarak Das | 20.05.00 | Continuing |
Kamal Gowala | 03.06.09 | Continuing | |||
Ajit Das | 03.06.09 | Continuing | |||
C. Administrative: | |||||
Typist-cum-clerk | 1 | 1 | Sujit Mondal | 24.05.11 | Continuing |
D. Supporting: | |||||
Lab. Attendant | 2 | 1 | Mrityunjoy Routh | 01.04.02 | Retired on 30th June. 2017 |
Tota Mandal | 03.07.09 | Continuing | |||
Total | 22 | 15 |
Mango, banana, litchi, jackfruit and guava are the mandated crops being dealt with this project at Mohanpur Centre, BCKV with the following objectives:
- Collection, evaluation, characterization, documentation and conservation of the genetic resources
- Varietal evaluation of the mandated fruit crops.
- Standardization of root stocks
- Standardization of agro-techniques
- Nutritional and efficient water use management
- Use of bio-regulators
- Canopy Management
- Management of pests, diseases and other disorders.
The experiments are being conducted at (i) Central Research Farm, Gayeshpur, Nadia (mango & litchi) (ii) Horticulture Research Station, Mondouri, Nadia (mango , litchi & guava) and. (iii) Banana Research Station , Mondouri, Nadia (Banana & Jackfruit). The office as well as and laboratory set up is located at Directorate of Research, B.C.K.V., Kalyani, Nadia. The centre has also established net house,poly house, vermi-compost unit etc. Center also acts as banana resource centre.
No. of Trials Allocated/Conducted During 2013-18:
Sl.No | Trials |
Banana | |
1 | Collection, Characterization, Conservation, Evaluation and Utilization of germplasm |
2 | Evaluation of FHIA hybrids |
3 | Clonal selection in banana |
4 | Varietal trial in banana |
5 | Evaluation of promising clones of banana (MLT-1) |
6 | Evaluation of new introductions of banana (MLT-2) |
7 | Macro-propagation technique for banana |
8 | Evaluation of the field performance of the macro-propagated plants of banana |
9 | Nutrient requirement under high density planting (HDP) in banana |
10 | Standardization of stage wise requirement of nutrients in banana |
11 | Validation of fertilizer adjustment equations in banana |
12 | Standardization of stage wise water requirement |
13 | Standardization of organic nutrient schedule in banana cv. Grand Naine |
14 | Studies on integrated nutrient and water management interaction in banana |
15 | Chemical control of weeds in banana |
16 | Enhancing the input use efficiency in banana |
17 | Chemical manipulation for higher yield and quality in banana |
18 | Identification of optimum LAI in banana |
19 | Evaluation of different varieties of banana for fibre extraction |
20 | Assessment of phenology, productivity and incidence of insect pests and diseases in banana grown under varying climatic conditions |
21 | Survey on emerging insect pests of Banana |
22 | Integrated management of banana pseudostem weevil (Odoiporus longicollis) |
23 | Management of banana scarring beetle (Nodostoma viridipinne) |
24 | Evaluation of various management strategies against scarring beetle (Nodostoma viridipinne) of banana |
25 | Biological control of banana stem weevil (Odoiporus longicollis) |
26 | Survey of emerging disease(s) of banana a) Roving survey b) Isolation of causal organism and identification |
27 | Validation of superior best treatments for the management of Fusarium wilt disease |
28 | Management of Eumusae leaf spot (Sigatoka leaf spot) disease of banana |
29 | Screening of germplasm against leaf spot, Fusarium wilt, BBTV and Rhizome rot |
30 | Management of post-harvest diseases of banana |
Guava | |
31 | Enhancing the input use efficiency in guava under HDP |
32 | Studies on wilt of guava |
33 | New and emerging diseases of guava |
34 | Integrated management of guava wilt |
35 | Management of guava anthracnose |
Jackfruit | |
36 | Collection, Characterisation, Conservation, Evaluation and Utilization of germplasm |
37 | Varietal trial in jackfruit |
38 | Standardization of propagation methods in Jackfruit |
39 | Effect of rootstock on performance of jackfruit |
40 | Survey for emerging insect pests of jackfruit |
41 | Population dynamics of fruit and shoot borer in jack fruit |
42 | New and emerging diseases of jackfruit |
43 | Etiology of jackfruit wilt diseases |
Litchi | |
44 | Varietal trial in litchi |
45 | Collection and evaluation of litchi germplasm |
46 | Training trial in litchi |
47 | High density planting on litchi |
48 | Development of plant canopy architecture in litchi |
49 | Nutritional survey in litchi |
50 | Irrigation scheduling in litchi |
51 | Extending the harvesting period of litchi |
52 | Improving bearing potential of litchi through girdling of branches |
53 | Evaluation of PGR and chemicals for early flowering in litchi |
Mango | |
54 | Varietal trial on mango |
55 | MLT of mango hybrids (Performance of released mango hybrids and 1.1.11. M Evaluation of new hybrids of mango are merged) |
56 | Augmentation and evaluation of germplasm in mango |
57 | Improvement of mango through half-sibs |
58 | Rootstock trial of mango |
59 | Planting system cum high density planting in mango |
60 | Evaluation of substrate dynamics for IPNM in mango |
61 | Nutritional survey in mango |
62 | Fertilizer scheduling for High Density Planting in mango |
63 | Effect of micronutrients on yield and quality of mango |
64 | Assessing the effect of climatic variability on mango flowering and yield |
65 | Management of mango anthracnose |
66 | Management of blossom blight of mango |
67 | New and emerging disease of mango |
68 | Cost effective management of post harvest anthracnose disease of mango by pre and post harvest treatments |
69 | Identification and characterization of pathogens associated with stem end rot in mango |
70 | Standardization of hot water treatment technique (HWTT) to manage post harvest anthracnose as well as fruit flies of mango |
71 | Validation of forecasting model for powdery mildew in mango |
72 | Management of Die Back of mango |
73 | Studies on mango malformation |
Salient Findings:
The centre has been maintaining one hundred twenty four (124) germplasms (elite clones, land races, primitive and reference cultivars) of different genomic groups (AA-3, AB-3, BB-9, AAA-26, AAB-40, ABB-19 (Dessert), ABB-20 (Cooking), AAAA-2, AAAB-1, and AABB-1. Genotypes with large variability have been collected in balbisiana and their hybrids. Observations revealed low variability in Cavendish group in West Bengal.
- Three new superior banana selections for release as BCB 1, BCB 2& BCB 3 :
These three superior selections were evaluated at BCKV under AICRP on Tropical Fruits and brought under multi-locational trial (MLT) through ICAR-AICRP (TF) network for release as new varieties. BCB 1, a selection from ‘Kanthali’ banana of West Bengal, is a superior dessert type belonging to “Pisang Awak’ sub group of Musa ABB genomic group having crop duration 480-498 days, bunch weight 27-30 kg, yield 54-60 t/ha, TSS 25.40 Brix. BCB 2, a superior selection from popular cooking type banana of West Bengal, is high yielder and belonging to “Monthan’ sub group of Musa ABB genomic group having crop duration 393-397 days, bunch weight 26-30 kg, yield 52-60 t/ha and suitable for staggered harvesting and kitchen garden. BCB 3 is a good quality, high yielding dessert type belonging to “Pisang Awak’ sub group of Musa ABB genomic group having crop duration 505-520 days, bunch weight 25-28 kg, yield 50-56 t/ha, TSS 25.20 Brix. - FHIA-3 & SABA : New exotic hybrid variety of cooking banana recommended for State release:
Recommendations of the XVII Group discussion of AICRP on Tropical Fruits held at BCKV, Kalyani during 18th -21st July 2011 it was decided that the Mohanpur centre will submit the release proposal to the respective state release committee. : FHIA-03 and SABA have been constantly giving the better yield as compared to Behula- popular cooking banana in the state of West Bengal. It is becoming important in the state as cooking banana particularly in Gangetic plain. These two cooking banana remain green in the plant for longer period with good cooking quality (softness).FHIA-03 gives 6-8% and SABA 25-30% higher yield as compared to local cooking banana (Behula).The recommended varieties have tolerance to biotic stress comes by common insect pests like scarring beetle and rhizome weevil. Both the variety shows field resistance against panama wilt and tolerance to leaf spot diseases including sigatoka and black leaf streak. The cultivars have already been distributed to farmers in different districts of West Bengal (Nadia, 24 Parganas (North and South), Hooghly and Burdwan). Farmers have already earned a good return and got public acceptance. - Identified optimum Leaf Area Index (LAI) of banana in West Bengal
The identified optimum LAI of ‘Martaman’ banana (Musa AAB) under West Bengal conditions is 6.36 per pit for a corresponding plant population of 5,000/ha with 2 X 3 m spacing and 3 plants/pit. - Growth stage specific nutrition management in banana worked out
The nutrition requirement of ‘Martaman’ (AAB) banana at different growth stages (I to IV) with different nutrition levels (100, 80 & 60% of RDF/plant/crop, where RDF is 5 Kg FYM + 200g N + 40g P2O5 + 200g K2O) and time of application was worked out. - HDP, plant geometry & precise nutrition in banana recommended
High Density Planting (HDP : 5000 plants/ha) and desirable plant geometry of 3 plants/pit at 2 x 3 m spacing of pits in ‘Martaman’ banana (for optimum LAI of 6.4) are recommended with application of 75% RDF (where, RDF is N, P & K @ 200, 40 & 200 g/plant/crop) that resulted in 25% reduction to fertilizer input cost and upto 90% increase in productivity for an overall additional income of upto Rs. 1.60 lakh/ha/year, as compared with the conventional planting density (2x2 m; 2500 plants/ha) and crop nutrition schedule (100% RDF) for banana in West Bengal. Fruit yield was recorded maximum (56.30 t/ha) due to 3 suckers per hill at 2x3 m spacing (i.e., 5000 plants/ha) with 100% RDF but maximum B:C ratio of 1.82 was realised at for 75 % of RDF with same spacing. - Bunch feeding technique
Bunch feeding with 7.5g each of Urea and Sulphate of Potash (SOP) mixed with 250-300g cow dung slurry showed better finger filling and higher yield in ‘Martaman’ banana. - Management of Insect pest of banana
Three new alternate hosts of banana scarring beetle were recorded namely Colocasia esculenta, Amorphophallus campanulatus and Vitis trilobus. Acephate 0.1125%,both spray and 20ml pour in heart were found effective against banana scarring beetle. - Management of diseases of banana
Sigatoka a leaf spot disease is the most important fungal disease causing economic loss of the crop every year. Clean cultivation, collection and destruction of infected leaves and spraying of fungicides e.g. Propiconazole (0.1%), Tridemorph (0.1%) or Carbendzim (0.1%) during monsoon season are the common practices.
Panama wilt is also a damaging disease particularly in some susceptible cultivars. Integrated management practices includes: Collection of healthy suckers from uninfected field, sucker treatment with carbendazim, uprooting and destruction of infected plant from the field, avoidance of ratoon cropping and cultivation of Cavendish varieties.
Bunchy top of banana is really a problem particularly in Cavendish group. Destruction of infected plant and regular spraying of systemic insecticide are found to be highly effective.
Thirty three (33) genotypes of jackfruit were identified and collected from various localities of West Bengal and bordering areas of Jharkhand and Bihar. During the course of explorations some specified types have been identified by the centre on the basis of bearing pattern, time of maturity, fruit shape and quality like Padmaraj, Narayani, Baramasi, Dofala and Hazari, Seedling as well as clonally propagated plants of identified types have been conserved and maintained in field gene bank of the centre.
Type 16 bears complete red coloured flakes. Type 26 bears more than 1000 fruits/plant each weighing 2-2.5 Kg. Maximum fruit weight more than 30kg was observed in type 29. Type 27 was having fruit weight of more or less one kg with spherical shape and suitable for dessert purpose. Artocarpus lakoocha (Monkey jack), Artocarpus altilis (Breadfruit) and Artocarpus hirsuta (Ainipala) trees is also maintained for use as recommended rootstock for jackfruit.